The real gifts don't come from under a tree
I still can't believe that Christmas is already here, but it is.
The year has flown by so fast it's been insane.
In any case, with it being Christmas, I wanted to talk about GIFTS.
Not the gifts you get from under the tree or that Santa brings...
The REAL GIFTS I'm talking about here are the GIFTS you EARN in life.
The gifts that come your way after you've put in the work and kept yourself committed.
The gifts that you receive when you refuse to give up and quit on yourself.
The gifts that can't be bought...
I talk to a lot of busy parents and/or professionals who've allowed themselves to slip into a bad place physically.
Most are 20-30 lbs overweight and constantly run down and drained.
They hate looking at the person they see in the mirror.
Worst of all, the physical strain they've developed has now started to wreak havoc on them mentally.
They don't see themselves as the strong, fit, and confident person they used to be years back.
They no longer have that drive or passion to push themselves hard as they used to.
Sure times have changed and priorities have shifted after becoming a parent or landed that dream job or both, but that's still not a valid excuse.
The competitor spirit within has all but left.
So now, when ever things get a bit hard or life simply throws a bit of resistance their way, they easily give up and quit.
And this is where these people will NEVER know the gifts their passing up.
The gift of earning back their old selves.
The gift or earning back and unleashing their edge in life.
These gifts are there for the taking should you just keep pushing forward and fighting through the resistance.
You can have all the gifts, but you need to be truly committed to earning the gifts.
If you're one of these people, are you READY to commit?
Do you want the real GIFTS or are you OK on settling for less?
A question that only you can answer...
I bring gifts to those who commit to putting in the work.
Want the gift of shredding away the extra 20-30 lbs gone for good?
Want the gift of 'No More MOM or DAD BOD"?
Want the gift of more confidence, energy, and drive?
I can deliver these gifts, but you'll have to put in the work to EARN THEM.
I'm currently I 3 one on one coaching spot avialable and ready to fill.
If you're SERIOUS about making a commitment to yourself, hit reply with "GIFTS" and well have a chat.