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I am not trying to be superficial..

Why do I like strength work so much?

I get this question a lot and it would be easy to give a superficial answer but I didn’t start these blogs with the intention of being superficial so here we go…

The honest truth is that I think I always gravitated towards strength training because in some sub conscious way, the internal me, the sensitive, shy, unsure me, needed some type of armor…

Needed something to protect her.

Needed something that would make me FEEL strong and powerful when I felt the exact opposite inside.

I know that’s probably not the answer you were expecting…

But when I get questions like this I find it hard not to express how powerful and transformative movement has been for me when it would be easy to give a superficial answer that I just like lifting weights.

Here’s the thing, so much of the world looks at movement as punishment… 99% of the time we start working out because we don’t like something about our body and the way we look. Which I 100% understand, I have never liked how my legs looked. Then we start to have an even more negative relationship with movement because it’s not doing its job and changing all the things we hate about our body fast enough. Who here can relate? Who has started and quit so many times they cannot remember?

Because the general understanding of what workouts are for (a way to change the way we look), I find it hard to explain why I actually love movement so much.

But as an insecure teenager, 20 and 30 year old young girl movement eventually wasn’t punishment.

Movement made me feel powerful.

It made me feel seen.

It gave me an outlet.

It was my safe space.

It was my therapist.

It was ALWAYS the highlight of my day and still is.

So when you ask me why I like to move so much or why I’m so into strength training, it’s impossible to give you a quick easy answer.

Plus, I find it impossible to simplify something that could possibly be life changing to someone else.

Movement can literally change lives.

I’ve seen it happen time and time again with my clients and I’ve experienced it in my own life.

So I can’t just say that I love to lift weights because it’s fun… that’s just icing on the cake.

What type of movement helps you feel powerful and confident in who you are?

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1. Join Positive Image Fitness in person and online classes Free for a 7 Day Trial – Click Here

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2. Get on a Personal Call with Me – Click Here

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