Core class
Service Description
This 30 min core focused class uses body weight, BOSU's, stability balls, slam balls, kettlebells and TRX to get your abs strong. To help us prevent the spread of COVID-19, we ask you to read this carefully and answer the questions below. If you answer YES to any of the questions we ask you stay home until you feel better or have self quarantined for 14 days if been travelling. 1. Are you feeling sick? (Examples include a new cough, headache, weakness, fever, difficulty breathing, etc.) 2. Have you travelled outside Canada in the past 14 days? 3. Have you had close contact with with a confirmed or probable covid-19 case? Thank you for helping keep Positive Image Fitness safe!
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
You must give 10 hours to cancel your scheduled class. If you need to cancel outside that 10 hour window please contact the studio.
Contact Details
Positive Image Fitness, Maplewood Lane #1, Ilderton, ON, Canada